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Move to new side of building

We are excited to announce that Phase 1 of construction will be completed in early March. We will start seeing patients on that side of the clinic the week of March 4th. Monday, March 4th will be a moving day. If you have a scheduled appointment on March 4th you will enter the clinic through our normal front doors. We will have reduced appointments on that day. We will be exclusively in Phase 1 from March through June while the remainder of the clinic undergoes a full renovation.

Here are some changes that will occur from March to June:

• We will be implementing curbside for all appointments and medication or food pick-up. Please call from the parking lot to check in and we will call when a room is ready for you to enter.

• You will enter through a new front entrance into a small makeshift reception area and a staff member will meet you to usher you into an exam room

• Our surgical appointments will be limited for those 3 months. We will still be able to do surgery but have a limited number of cages and recovery areas. Surgical drop-off and pick-up will also be curbside.

• If you purchase food from the clinic, please plan as we will be carrying a reduced volume of food due to lack of storage. You can also visit our online pharmacy and order your food from our online store


  • Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

    La displasia de cadera es una deformidad de la cadera que aparece durante el periodo de crecimiento. La articulación de la cadera está compuesta por una estructura esférica y otra cóncava. Evidentemente, tanto la parte esférica (la cabeza del fémur) como la cóncava (el

  • Distemper virus is a highly contagious disease that can affect multiple body systems and is potentially fatal. Puppies are most susceptible, and respiratory, gastrointestinal, or neurologic signs may be seen. Vaccines are available and are highly effective at preventing disease.

  • Distichiae can be an irritating eye problem for many dogs. The abnormally growing extra eyelashes can cause chronic discomfort to the eye and potential vision problems. A thorough eye examination is necessary to assess the extent of any accompanying corneal injury and to rule out other causes of the dog's clinical signs. Various treatment options are available. The prognosis is excellent for dogs that do not show any clinical signs associated with their distichiae. For dogs with mild clinical signs, the likelihood that the condition can be managed with conservative treatment is good.

  • DNA is a large complex molecule that carries the genetic information or genetic code of an organism. All common forms of life, such as viruses, bacteria, plants, and animals carry a copy of their own genetic code in each of their cells. Each organism has a unique section of DNA that is just like a fingerprint. DNA-PCR is often used to detect the presence of infectious organisms; especially when detecting extremely small numbers of infectious organisms and for detecting certain viruses and bacteria that are difficult to diagnose by other methods.

  • Dreaming is similar in dogs as it is in people and is a normal part of the rest period. Nightmares do not appear to be typical, but you can see different breathing patterns and some movement of the legs while your dog is dreaming.

  • Dogs have the same five senses that humans have: the ability to see, hear, smell, feel, and taste. Some of these canine senses are very acute and function at a high level. Some people think that dogs have a sixth sense, but this presumption may be based on how well dogs use and integrate their other five senses. There is no scientific evidence that dogs have a sixth sense, but there are anecdotal reports demonstrating how perceptive they are.

  • Just like people, your dog can mourn when there has been a loss in their world, and the symptoms are similar. There are ways that you can help, with some guidance from your veterinarian or a behaviorist if needed.

  • The simple answer to a complicated, much researched question is, yes! Dogs do recognize our facial expressions which makes them wonderful family members.

  • Dogs are not completely color blind, as they can see yellow and blue, as well as shades of gray. Their eye structure allows them to see better in dim light compared to people. Near-sightedness is common among dogs.

  • Dogs have an uncanny ability to process human language using both the left and right sides of the brain. Dogs can build a significant vocabulary. Much like a human infant, dogs recognize intonation and body language to interpret a word’s meaning. Combining vocabulary with perception of tone and body language enhances a dog’s ability to communicate with humans.