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Move to new side of building

We are excited to announce that Phase 1 of construction will be completed in early March. We will start seeing patients on that side of the clinic the week of March 4th. Monday, March 4th will be a moving day. If you have a scheduled appointment on March 4th you will enter the clinic through our normal front doors. We will have reduced appointments on that day. We will be exclusively in Phase 1 from March through June while the remainder of the clinic undergoes a full renovation.

Here are some changes that will occur from March to June:

• We will be implementing curbside for all appointments and medication or food pick-up. Please call from the parking lot to check in and we will call when a room is ready for you to enter.

• You will enter through a new front entrance into a small makeshift reception area and a staff member will meet you to usher you into an exam room

• Our surgical appointments will be limited for those 3 months. We will still be able to do surgery but have a limited number of cages and recovery areas. Surgical drop-off and pick-up will also be curbside.

• If you purchase food from the clinic, please plan as we will be carrying a reduced volume of food due to lack of storage. You can also visit our online pharmacy and order your food from our online store


Dogs + Preventive Care & Wellness

  • There are six primary reasons for vaccination failure. Vaccine inactivation is one reason and is most commonly caused by warming during shipping and handling. In addition, vaccines are not always 100% effective. Dogs may also be unhealthy or too young, leading to vaccine failure. Interference by maternal antibodies can lead to the vaccine being blocked.

  • Veterinarians routinely recommend certain vaccines for all dogs (called core vaccines) while they recommend others more selectively, according to the dog’s environment and lifestyle. Vaccines work by stimulating the body's immune system to recognize and fight particular microorganisms such as a virus, bacteria, or other organism. The vaccine helps prevent infection or lessens the severity of infection and promotes rapid recovery.

  • Vaginitis refers to inflammation of the vagina and can be a result of several possible underlying causes. Prognosis is generally good, especially if the underlying cause is identified and treated early. The most common clinical signs of vaginitis include increased frequency of urination, licking of the vaginal area, vaginal discharges, and scooting or rubbing of the vaginal area. Diagnostic testing to determine the cause of a dog's condition is helpful in identifying the appropriate antibiotic treatment.

  • The Vizsla is a Hungarian pointer, utilized by the Magyar nomadic tribe along with their falcons, to hunt birds and track game. They need a lot of vigorous activity, but as long as they get it, they are gentle enough to lie quietly by Grandpa's feet as he snoozes.

  • Vomiting in Dogs

    El vómito no es una enfermedad sino un síntoma que aparece en diferentes enfermedades. Muchos casos de vómitos son autolimitantes, cesan espontáneamente en pocos días y en raras ocasiones son consecuencia de enfermedades graves como el cáncer.

  • Vulvoplasty, also known as episioplasty, is a surgical procedure that your veterinarian may recommend to correct a conformational issue known as a recessed vulva. Your veterinarian will remove a crescent-shaped piece of tissue from above the vulva, allowing the skin to be pulled upwards into a more normal conformation. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Your pet will be intubated with an endotracheal tube. After surgery, you will need to give pain medications and antibiotics as directed and keep your dog confined/restricted for approximately two weeks. Skin sutures, if used, can typically be removed 10-14 days after surgery.

  • Walking is an excellent way for dogs to burn more calories while working toward weight loss. A short leash and head halter or harness are recommended to keep the walk going at a consistent pace. Gradually work up to several 30-minute walks per day.

  • Warfarin is given by mouth and is used off label to treat abnormal clotting in dogs and occasionally horses. Give as directed. The most common side effect is abnormal bleeding, and this should be reported to your veterinarian. Do not use in pets that are allergic to it, pets with bleeding diseases, active bleeding, aneurysm, acute kidney disease, brain bleeds, blood cell diseases, uncontrolled high blood pressure, liver disease, certain types of carcinoma, pets about to undergo certain surgical procedures, or pets that are pregnant. If a negative reaction occurs, please call the veterinary office.

  • Pet monitoring systems provide peace of mind for pet owners. While away from home, pet parents can monitor the home and pet. Monitors allow observation as well as interaction that benefits both pet and owner. Numerous options are available to accommodate the individual needs of both pet and pet parent. Do a little research to find the one that best fits your needs.

  • Weight-loss programs are not easy, especially when an overweight animal cannot exercise. Veterinary therapeutic diets, automatic feeders, food puzzles, and animal rehabilitation therapy are tools that should be considered for every pet's weight loss program. Pet parents who are motivated to help their overweight dog or cat lose weight should work closely with their veterinary healthcare team to address concerns and discuss ideas for the pet's home environment. The most successful pet owners recruit family and/or friends to support their plans. Patience and persistence are often needed because weight loss doesn't happen quickly.