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Move to new side of building

We are excited to announce that Phase 1 of construction will be completed in early March. We will start seeing patients on that side of the clinic the week of March 4th. Monday, March 4th will be a moving day. If you have a scheduled appointment on March 4th you will enter the clinic through our normal front doors. We will have reduced appointments on that day. We will be exclusively in Phase 1 from March through June while the remainder of the clinic undergoes a full renovation.

Here are some changes that will occur from March to June:

• We will be implementing curbside for all appointments and medication or food pick-up. Please call from the parking lot to check in and we will call when a room is ready for you to enter.

• You will enter through a new front entrance into a small makeshift reception area and a staff member will meet you to usher you into an exam room

• Our surgical appointments will be limited for those 3 months. We will still be able to do surgery but have a limited number of cages and recovery areas. Surgical drop-off and pick-up will also be curbside.

• If you purchase food from the clinic, please plan as we will be carrying a reduced volume of food due to lack of storage. You can also visit our online pharmacy and order your food from our online store


Dogs + Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Applying Ear Drops to Dogs

    Le hemos recetado este medicamento para ayudar a su mascota a resolver su problema de oídos. Es una enfermedad bastante habitual que puede deberse a muchos motivos. Aunque ya le habremos informado sobre la frecuencia de administración, hemos pensado que sería útil exponer paso a paso cómo aplicar las gotas.

  • Topical ear medications are necessary for the treatment of most ear conditions in dogs. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to apply ear medications along with precautions. Tips are also given to reduce your dog’s anxiety with ear treatment.

  • Applying eye ointments to your dog's eye(s) can be a challenging or easy task. The proper administration of eye medications is essential for your dog’s prompt recovery. It is important to use the medication as directed for the full duration and contact your veterinarian if you have problems. The tips and instructions in this handout may make administering your dog’s eye ointment easier.

  • Applying topical medications to your pet can be a challenge. Ointments, creams, and lotions are for external use only. It is important to prevent your dog from licking and swallowing any of these external preparations as they may contain ingredients that could be harmful if swallowed. If you find it difficult to prevent your pet from licking the medication, contact your veterinarian to have them fitted for an Elizabethan collar.

  • Primary vaccination is essential to prevent the once common deadly diseases in puppies. However, recent research indicates that not all vaccines require yearly boosters. There is no evidence that annual booster vaccination is anything but beneficial to most dogs. Published research has shown conclusively that abstaining from some boosters can put your dog at risk.

  • Osteoarthritis is a common condition affecting bones and joints in many older dogs. It is a disease of management and cannot be cured. Medications, physical therapy, nutrition, and surgery may all be considered to help alleviate the pain. Dogs can live a normal life with a tailored care plan.

  • Arthritis in Dogs

    La artritis en una enfermedad compleja que implica una inflamación de las articulaciones. Existen muchas causas pero, en general, el grado de artritis guarda una relación directa con la edad del animal. Como las personas, cuanto mayor es la edad del perro más rígidas se vuelven las articulaciones.

  • At first glance, the Aussie Cattle Dog looks like a commoner from the streets of Sydney. On closer inspection, you can see in his face an uncommon intensity of purpose, a true sense of self, and a keen intelligence. This is no ordinary dog; all of the romance of the Australian outback seems embodied in this diamond-in-rough.

  • The Australian Shepherd must have a job to do in order to be content, whether it's an obedience routine, a chance to round up sheep, or helping with various household chores. This agile, quick-thinking dog can be a joy to owners who want a dog by their side in all things, but a challenge to those who expect the dog to entertain herself.

  • Happy, sunny, and feisty as all get-out, the Australian Terrier knows he has serious work to do: chase anything that moves, bark at anything that approaches, and keep you in stitches.