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Move to new side of building

We are excited to announce that Phase 1 of construction will be completed in early March. We will start seeing patients on that side of the clinic the week of March 4th. Monday, March 4th will be a moving day. If you have a scheduled appointment on March 4th you will enter the clinic through our normal front doors. We will have reduced appointments on that day. We will be exclusively in Phase 1 from March through June while the remainder of the clinic undergoes a full renovation.

Here are some changes that will occur from March to June:

• We will be implementing curbside for all appointments and medication or food pick-up. Please call from the parking lot to check in and we will call when a room is ready for you to enter.

• You will enter through a new front entrance into a small makeshift reception area and a staff member will meet you to usher you into an exam room

• Our surgical appointments will be limited for those 3 months. We will still be able to do surgery but have a limited number of cages and recovery areas. Surgical drop-off and pick-up will also be curbside.

• If you purchase food from the clinic, please plan as we will be carrying a reduced volume of food due to lack of storage. You can also visit our online pharmacy and order your food from our online store


Medical Conditions

  • Cats can have hearing loss due to increasing age or chronic ear infections, or they may be born with a defect. Deafness in cats can present some challenges, but overall they can have healthy, normal lives. It is possible to teach your cat household routines by using hand signals and body language. It is important to take their deafness into account when considering their safety, and they must remain indoors or in outdoor enclosures.

  • Dogs can have hearing loss due to increasing age or chronic ear infections, or they may be born with a defect. Deafness in dogs can present some challenges, but overall they can have healthy, normal lives. Training is still possible by making some modifications and incorporating hand signals. It is important to take their deafness into account when considering their safety and ensure that they are never off leash on or near a street.

  • Internal Parasites in Dogs

    En general, hay dos tipos de parásitos internos que afectan al perro. En primer lugar están los nematodos o gusanos redondos, de los cuales Toxocara canis (el gusano redondo intestinal más común) y Diarofilaria immitis (el gusano cardiaco) son los principales ejemplos. En segundo lugar tenemos los cestodos o gusanos planos, de los cuales Dipylidium caninum y las especies Taenia y Echinococcus son ejemplos importantes.

  • Lumbosacral disease, or cauda equina syndrome, is caused by the narrowing of the spinal canal and results in compression of the spinal nerve roots; pressure on the nerves that exit the spine cause the clinical signs. This pressure may be due to a narrowed spinal canal caused by arthritis, intervertebral disc herniation, an infection in the disc, trauma, congenital malformation, or a spinal tumor. Dogs with lumbosacral disease are in pain. If the clinical signs and radiographs suggest lumbosacral disease, advanced imaging such as MRI or CT is recommended to make a diagnosis. Treatment involves either conservative medical treatment or surgical intervention.

  • Hip Dislocation and Postoperative Care in Cats

    La cadera es una articulación sencilla compuesta por una bola y un cuenco, que puede realizar una gran cantidad de movimientos en todas las direcciones y su función es permitir un adecuado movimiento de las extremidades posteriores.

  • A luxating patella is a kneecap that 'pops out' or moves out of its normal location. Signs include intermittent lameness, an unusual 'skipping' on the affected leg when the cat walks or runs, or difficulty jumping. A luxating patella can be corrected surgically, especially if the patella luxates frequently. If your veterinarian performs surgery before arthritis or another knee injury occurs, the prognosis is excellent.

  • A luxating patella is a kneecap that moves out of its normal location, causing an affected dog to skip or hop on three legs. Many toy or small breed dogs, including the Maltese, Chihuahua, French Poodle, and Bichon Frise, have a genetic predisposition for a luxating patella. Surgery should be performed to prevent the development of arthritis or another knee injury.

  • Lymphocytic plasmacytic gastroenteritis is a form of inflammatory bowel disease. While the exact cause is not known, it is possible that the intestinal bacteria themselves may be involved in stimulating the immune response. Signs include diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss, and blood in the stool/vomit. Treatment may include nutrition management, immunosuppressive medications, and dietary supplementation of cobalamin, prebiotics, and probiotics.

  • Lymphocytic plasmacytic gastroenteritis is a form of inflammatory bowel disease. While the exact cause is not known, it is possible that the intestinal bacteria themselves may be involved in stimulating the immune response. Treatment may include nutrition management, immunosuppressive medications, and dietary supplementation of cobalamin, prebiotics, and probiotics.

  • Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are cells that are involved in the immune system. Feline lymphoma most commonly affects the intestines; therefore, clinical signs of lymphoma are often similar to other intestinal diseases. Diagnosing lymphoma requires finding cancerous cells on microscopic examination. This cancer cannot be prevented, but the likelihood of a cat developing lymphoma can be decreased by preventing feline leukemia virus infection.