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Move to new side of building

We are excited to announce that Phase 1 of construction will be completed in early March. We will start seeing patients on that side of the clinic the week of March 4th. Monday, March 4th will be a moving day. If you have a scheduled appointment on March 4th you will enter the clinic through our normal front doors. We will have reduced appointments on that day. We will be exclusively in Phase 1 from March through June while the remainder of the clinic undergoes a full renovation.

Here are some changes that will occur from March to June:

• We will be implementing curbside for all appointments and medication or food pick-up. Please call from the parking lot to check in and we will call when a room is ready for you to enter.

• You will enter through a new front entrance into a small makeshift reception area and a staff member will meet you to usher you into an exam room

• Our surgical appointments will be limited for those 3 months. We will still be able to do surgery but have a limited number of cages and recovery areas. Surgical drop-off and pick-up will also be curbside.

• If you purchase food from the clinic, please plan as we will be carrying a reduced volume of food due to lack of storage. You can also visit our online pharmacy and order your food from our online store


Behavior & Training

  • This cheerful dog has become a hit with folks who want a merry companion to accompany them on short and long jaunts. With their unique appearance and chipper personality, they always draw attention.

  • Glamorous and sweet, gentle and spirited, the Maltese has a long history as a treasured lap dog, sleeve dog, and close personal companion, especially to ladies at court. It is not hard to see why - the Maltese has the look of a tiny white angel and the manners to match.

  • Sleek and handsome in black-and-tan with his whip-like tail and his prick ears, the Manchester Terrier is one of the original terriers, and carries himself with all the majesty and confidence befitting an aristocrat. Even so, the Manchester is not above a good hard chase after a critter, and most will curl warmly into the laps of their favorite people so you can admire them up close, of course.

  • Cat Behavior Problems: Marking and Spraying Behavior

    Esta forma de depositar pequeñas cantidades de orina sobre superficies verticales se denomina marcaje, y es más una señal olorosa que una forma de orinar. Normalmente, lo que hacen los gatos es ponerse de espaldas ante una superficie vertical, levantar la cola y eliminar orina hacia el objeto en cuestión.

  • Mastiffs are mellow and many are happy just watching family ballgames from the sidelines, cheering their kids on with a wag or a woof. Some, however, might happily join in to steal the ball or play a short game.

  • Masturbation behavior in male parrots is a fairly common occurrence. The basis behind this activity is sexual stimulation or over productive male hormones. Veterinary attention will help with environmental changes and/or medications used to diminish or halt this behavior.

  • For most cats, a visit to the veterinarian is an overwhelming experience. If your cat’s veterinary appointment is for a routine wellness examination, your veterinarian may prescribe a sedative or antianxiety medication. Natural medicines, also known as complementary therapies, cover a wide range of products including herbs, nutraceuticals, supplements, and homeopathic remedies and may be beneficial in treating your anxious cat. Products such as Feliway® and Rescue Remedy® are examples of natural therapies that may be helpful in reducing your cat’s stress. One of the most important ways to decrease your cat’s anxiety level is to remain calm and relaxed during the visit as this will help reassure your cat that she is safe.

  • Helping Dogs with Severe Phobias During Storms and Fireworks

    Los medicamentos pueden ser útiles en algunos casos, pero sólo puede prescribirlos un veterinario. No hay que olvidar que deben administrarse para que su efecto se manifieste ANTES de que empiece el ruido o la reacción de pánico del animal. Por norma general, se administran al menos una hora antes del acontecimiento.

  • Fears and Phobias in Dogs: Animals and People

    Hay muchas razones por las que los perros desarrollan miedo a personas y a otros animales. En primer lugar, hay que recordar que la socialización durante el desarrollo del cachorro es esencial. Si el perro no ha recibido interacciones positivas, constantes y adecuadas con personas y otros animales, es probable que tenga reacciones de miedo en el futuro.

  • Fear of Noises in Dogs

    Los miedos y fobias se pueden desarrollar a partir de una sola experiencia (shock condicionado) o a partir de una exposición continuada a un estímulo que provoca miedo. Hay perros que presentan síntomas leves, como ir de un lado a otro o jadear, y otros que muestran mayor agitación y pueden llegar a manifestar conductas destructivas y mostrar reacciones de pánico.